Emergency Procedures
For your safety and the safety of your guests, please review the different emergency procedures for Fraternity Row. If at any time, you need immediate assistance, do no hesitate to call SDSU PD at 619-594-1991 or 911.
Fire Alarms
What do you do when a fire alarm sounds?
1. When a fire alarm sounds, close your door and take your key with you. Exit the building immediately through the nearest safe path immediately to your evacuation site.
2. Once you are out of the building, go to the designated evacuation site for your building.
3. Once you reach the designated evacuation site, check in with one of the Fraternity Row staff members at the location by providing your name.
4. Remain in or near the designated location spot until directed by a Fraternity Row staff member or fire safety personnel that it is safe to return home.
**All Fraternity Row residents and their guests must follow all instructions from Fraternity Row staff and the SD Fire Department. Please note that any resident or guest who fails to evacuate a building will be considered in violation of Fraternity Row’s policy on Fire Alarm Evacuation and may go through Fraternity Row’s judicial process for violating this policy.
Should you accidentally cause a fire alarm to be sounded, please immediately notify Fraternity Row staff or emergency personnel by calling the front desk line at 619-487-0245 or by finding a member staff during the evacuation.
Fire Extinguishers
Where do I find one?
Every hallway has a fire extinguisher located at the end of each hallway. These are checked and up to date should you ever need to use one.
When would I use these fire extinguishers?
These fire extinguishers are meant for small fires (ie the size of a small trash can). They are not meant to fight a fire any larger. We do not expect residents to put out a fire themselves; put your safety first. If you have a fire and are concerned, call us and we will take care of it.
To use a fire extinguisher remember P.A.S.S.
Pull the nozzle
Aim at the base of the fire while standing back
Squeeze the handle/hose to spray
Sweep at the base of the fire until it is out
ALWAYS call the front desk if there is or was a fire even if you extinguish it with a fire extinguisher.
Fraternity Row Main Office: 619.487.0245
SDSUPD: 619.594.1991 (calling SDPD is often times quicker than calling 911 in emergencies)
Emergency: 911
Smoke Detectors
What is the difference between my smoke detector and the fire alarm?
Your smoke detector in your apartment is an early warning device to alert you to the fact that there is smoke in your apartment. Things like burnt food on the stove or burnt microwave popcorn can set off your smoke detector in your apartment. In order to stop your smoke detector from beeping, we highly encourage you to open your windows, turn on a fan or your air conditioning to circulate clean area through the apartment. Once the air is cleared of smoke your smoke detector will automatically stop beeping. THIS IS NOT A FIRE ALARM.
*If your smoke detector is beeping once every few minutes, that means that your smoke detector battery needs to be changed. Please contact the Fraternity Row front desk and someone will assist you with replacing the battery. Fraternity Row will provide the new battery.
Your smoke detector is different from your building's fire alarm system. Please note that the building's fire alarm is much louder than your apartment smoke detector and the building's fire alarm lights will also be flashing if your fire alarm is triggered. If your building's fire alarm is going off, YOU MUST EVACUATE your building as per the above procedures.
***Your smoke detector will not set off a building fire alarm. If there is a real fire, you must pull the fire alarm panel that is outside of your apartment and call the Fraternity Row front desk to inform us of the emergency.
Evacuation Plan
For the best evacuation route, please review the maps below to find your best route out of the building. Always make sure to avoid the elevators and take the stairwells. Walk carefully and take care when opening doors.